protecting your cyber world!
Mobile PC Rescue

Security Essentials

Mobile PC Rescue has a free support page on Facebook, which can be found here: Mobile PC Rescue on Facebook.
Please Like-button-small the page before posting so you get updated about any replies.

The page is NOT monitored 24/7 so replies may not be instant but other people may help you if we are unavailable.

Here we will add user guides and documents to help you configure your PC’s and software.

Always have DECENT Anti Virus and Internet Security on your Computers – it is imperative that it is up to date.

Always keep your applications and operating system up to date. This includes:
Windows, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Java, Adobe Reader – Any ONLINE App, really should be kept up to date to ensure you have ALL the latest bug fixes and mainly the latest security fixes.

If you use torrent/warez sites you need to check all URL’s with a good program, this stops you browsing pages that are using code to inject malware/viruses onto your computer.

If you get a call from someone claiming to be your bank, or the police, ask for a number you can call them back on then validate the number by searching online or calling the USUAL number you have and asking if this number is legit, it might take 5 minutes but could save you a lot of money and hassle.

If you get a suspicious email from PayPal or Ebay, you can forward the email to or – they will tell you if the email is legit or a scamming email – best to be safe than sorry.
All emails have hidden URL’s (website links) if you look at these by hovering over them with your mouse you can see the site they will take you too, this should always contain the address of the sender.

Another Virus Scam
Another Virus Scam


Mobile PC Rescue only sells Kaspersky Security products.
Please contact us for pricing and information.

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